Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

infinite creator

I never thought to live on earth
breath of fresh air in the morning  
see the sunrise and sunset
and see the moon and stars at night

I have a simple family
sharing food 
share the smiles and happiness

everything I could enjoy it
with FREE!
I breathe in free air
my heart beats for free
my eyes any possible intervention by the free

then, who can provide and control it?
Is there something that is all-powerful and creator of the universe?
which regulates all affairs?
surely He is the Creator and I give thanks to HIM!

Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Belenggu diri

Meski hanya sepotong roti dipagi hari
Dengan sedikit lumatan keju
Atau segelas air teh hangat
Aku ingin berbagi

Tak peduli carut-marut negeri
Dengan sandiwara politisi
Yang kian merajai bumi
Tertangkap karena korupsi
Terjerat otak tikus berdasi
Jiwa ini tak kan goyah dan lengah

Saat mentari mulai terbit menghiasi bumi
Hinnga mentari terbenam Setelah letih menyinari  alam
Ku tetap membawa prinsip diri
Demi kehidupan yang haqiqi

Berbagi sedikit asa dan mimpi
Membentengi diri dalam akidah

Menjadi pribadi qonaah
Agar belenggu tak merasuk dalam diri
Menunaikan hak diri dengan tanpa korupsi
Dan menjadi generasi peduli

Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

I'm still in your heart

if you miss my smile
out a moment and look at the moon
there you will see my pretty smile

if you miss warmth of my
see the morning sun
there you will feel the warmth of my

if you missed my happiness
look at the stars at night
there you could feel myself cheerful

and if it miss touches my heart
Taste the wind blows
I am there beside you

so gone miss and sadness
when I'm not beside you
but I'm still in your heart

Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

peace, please be come !!!

maybe now you can sleep soundly
maybe now you too can enjoy the beauty of the mountains
maybe now you're too busy pursuing success
Was your day was so beautiful today ???

but in other parts of the world
many children who could not sleep soundly
because colonization or hungry
in Palestine, etiophia
they lose the peace alive

the children cry
can not laugh
schools can not
hungry, fear of bombs exploding

nothing happy in her face

Would you still be laughing
when brethren in other parts of the world wept
gripped in the night
bomb haunted every night
hungry enveloped them
and we still can live in peace ???

My angel in earth

mother, I have not seen the sun
I also have never seen a full moon
but in every time
I could see your face

mother, you hold me tight
you take care of me all the time
until I fell asleep in the night
in your arms

thanks ALLOH
YOU have sent an angel to me
until I was never afraid again
to step on earth

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

Life's Neglected

did you ever see the sun rise
with a glass of warm coffee
did you ever see the sun set
with a piece of bread with jam

or have you ever seen the sky covered with rainbow
when gathered with family
and when you'r laughed happily
when the lights went out
and only the moon that glows

Was your life is too wonderful with your family
so that you forget that your happiness is of god
until you forget to give thanks and
at your god
Was so complacent god for the blessings you
until you no longer want to pray and ask god

Share tired and laughter

maybe he was tired set foot on earth
maybe it can be difficult to divide
a piece of bread for his brother
glass of milk for her sisters

maybe he's tired
roofed bamboo houses
maybe he was tired of working to help families
for a bite of rice and hot soup

but the fatigue
he looks happy
in every smile
share to his brother

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

A cup of tea with family

Walking around the world
Pursuing the sun and the moon
The pursuit of dreams and ideals
pursuing success
pursuing a career
The pursuit of money

Every second, every minute, every hour, every day
You do it all
Do not you realize there is nothing more precious than all that?
Yes, you're forgetting one important thing
drinking a cup of tea with your family
It was a great pleasure
You can feel the beauty of your family
with a cup of tea and sunrise
In the morning
Before embarking on a beautiful day

menanti hujan reda

sisa gerimis masih lekat didahan debu di dedaunan sudah sirna dirampas tetesan air hujan langit kelabu pun bernyiur menjadi biru b...